Retrouver toutes les infos en anglais sur paris metro. The paris metro short for metropolitain, is a rapid transit system in the paris metropolitan area. Printable central paris metro plan enhanced by aboutfrance. Plan du metro paris france a imprimer et a telecharger en pdf. Click on the map to enlarge download the map pdf 186. Paris metro rer map paris by train paris rer, metro. Plan of the paris metro subway showing the central area including main tourist attractions, eiffel tower, notre. If both stations are in zones 1 and 2 then the fare will be the same as the paris metro fare. Printable central paris metro plan enhanced by from an opensource original by rigil.
It is always easier to use an interactive maps for metro and public transports in paris. Unterwegs in paris metro busse taxi auto mietwagen. Les plans du reseau trains, rer, metro, bus et tramways en. Do not dare using the interactive maps or links to find your way in paris you will have several paris maps for streets, metro, rer or. Cliquez pour obtenir le plan schematique format pdf. Telechargez le plan general du reseau francilien pdf 1. We hope this will help you plan a successful visit to paris, rer et metro map paris myparis. Cliquez sur le plan pour lagrandir telecharger le plan pdf 923. It also serves the eiffel tower, the palace of versailles and notredame cathedral. Through paris rer map, we will give some pics and hopefully this is the map you are looking for. Bruxelles mini plan metro paris plan disneyland paris pdf 2010 plan paris pdf metro. Plan metro rer paris a imprimer subway application.
Consultez les plans, et preparez sereinement vos deplacements a paris et en iledefrance. Notre plan interactif des rer est concu pour faciliter vos trajets, il est disponible en ligne et telechargeable en. Rer et transiliens map of paris and the iledefrance region. Musee dorsay notre dame cathedral line 4 cite rer b and rer c. Cliquez sur limage pour telecharger en pdf le plan. Printable central paris metro plan enhanced by about. See the metro map for paris and the iledefrance region, showing the ratp transport network. Metro map of paris and the iledefrance region ratp. Cliquez sur le plan pour lagrandir telecharger le plan pdf 186. Besides the metro, central paris and its urban area are served by the rer. Currently you are viewing the latest plan paris rer headline and breaking news at france post website and reading more information about plan paris rer news and top.
As it is pretty hard to find his way in paris, find below differents maps. Ils sont interactifs et telechargeables en format pdf. Selectionnez une destination dans le menu, bonne navigation, et a bientot dans le metro. For those who prefer large print, print this pdf metro map using regular or high quality 8. Palaisroyal musee du louvre paris museum of modern art line 9. Plan des lignes du metro, rer, bus et tramway ratp. The metro rer zones are not printed on this map but the darker shade is zone 2, with the lighter tanbeige being zone 1 or central paris. Consultez les plans, et preparez sereinement vos deplacements a paris et en ile defrance. Plan matro, rer, tram, bus, paris metro map and plan. This ratp paris metro rer map covers all 14 metro lines 16 if you include the bis lines and the 5 regional train lines rer a to e. For those destinations youll have to download the paris rer map. Rer et transiliens map of paris and the iledefrance. Interactive map of metro and subway in paris plan metro paris. Plan of the paris metro subway showing the central area including main tourist.
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